The theory of motion gravity and complete proof based on the theory of general relativity
The theory of motion gravity and complete proof based on the theory of general relativity
As the astronomical observations and calculations
point out, the universe is accelerating and inflated, and according to this
view, this expansion does not end, and ultimately all the galaxies, stars, and
other cosmic bodies, with a very large distance from each other in the world
Driven by silence, but according to the theory of gravitational motion,
although it agrees with the accelerated case of the cosmos, it does not only
indicate that it does not affect the end of the world, but predicts that after
a long time, the inner layers of the cosmos It has reached the same speed as
its outer layers and is fast due to gravitational acceleration It is above the
outer layers, and thus hits the outer layers at a very high speed, or maybe
even due to this collision, thousands of new worlds and universes will be born
to create a set of quasars that are similar and Or maybe the quasars of the
past have been shaped in the same way in the past too far. In a simpler
example, it can be said that it is similar to a flower that originally consists
of hundreds of smaller flowers than itself, or acts like fireworks in
fireworks, and after a major explosion in the air, dozens of balloons The
explosion in the air that explodes in the air, in turn, explodes. Therefore,
because of the prediction of the existence of such collisions, similar to the
formation of thousands of other small cosmic universes, it is again anticipated
that in the next phase, the enormous and turbulent clouds resulting from these
collisions will be formed and eventually again part of the material in the
universe The gravity is re-compressed and the core forms the formation of
another vagabond. The theory of motion gravity is entirely consistent with and
confirmed by the accelerated expansion of the universe, but it also emphasizes
that, in the end, many cosmic bodies, given the gravitational equations
contained in this theory, due to the increased velocity of the inner layers of
the universe, The likelihood of their collision with the objects of the outer
layers of the universe increases and, as a result, the structure of the
universe will be different in the future.