If we look at the astronomical observations and
computing around it about the velocity of the galaxies and the amount of
material visible to the galaxies, we can see that the gravitational force
derived from this amount of ordinary matter in the galaxies is capable of
sustaining and retaining galaxies against disintegration It is not due to the
high velocity of the galaxy's rotation, so to justify the stability and
stability of the galaxies, the invisible material called dark matter is spoken
in the structure of most of the galaxies, which, by its gravitational effect,
can be a lack of gravitational force in the galaxies While many of the results
and tests that have been done so far Scrolls at all have not been able to
validate the existence of this invisible material in a cosmic structure, which
is much more than ordinary matter and its gravitational effects more than
ordinary matter, and, of course, the reasons given for the absence of this
invisible substance are much greater than the reasons It is there. So now, the
question is what is the stability and stability of the galaxies despite the
inadequate gravity of the ordinary substance? According to the theory of
gravity, it is observed that for the stability of the galaxies there is no need
for dark matter to compensate for the gravitational deficit in the galaxies,
but with gravitational equations in the theory of gravitation, we will see that
this galvanic force of the galaxies through The motion of the same material
that is produced due to its high velocity in galactic circuits is generated so
that the force generated by the gravitational motion of stars and materials in
the galaxies by creating gravitational solid rings in elliptical galaxies, as
well as the creation of belts Gravity in the spiral galaxy's arms prevents
collapse Such additional gravitational forces are, in fact, due to the increase
in the gravitational force of any star in the galaxy on stars that are moving
ahead of that star, and although the magnitude of the effect of this additional
gravitational force due to the large distance between The stars do not look so
much, but that is enough to counteract the centrifugal force from the galactic
rotation. Thus, it can be seen that for the galaxies to stay stable for
galactic rotations, there is no need for extra gravity to be invisible material
called dark matter.